Archive | October, 2012

The underwriting risk on motorized vehicles

25 Oct

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Vehicle insurance is purchased to cover physical or vehicular damages that result from Road Traffic Collisions (RTC). In the United States, each region has specific regulations for the terms involving vehicle insurance. In many jurisdictions, public policies are imposed to ensure that drivers purchase vehicle insurance before they could use their motor vehicle on public roads.

There are two determinants of the underwriting risk on motorized vehicles: performance capability and retail cost. Majority of auto insurance providers impose restrictions against vehicles that are either designed to be capable of running in higher speeds (having advanced performance levels) or sold at prices beyond the average rates.

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It is common for luxury automobiles to carry more expensive physical damage premiums because they are more costly to replace. High-performance cars also carry higher premiums because there is greater possibility for risky driving behavior. Both types of car are generally given more attention because of their quality, precision, design, and technological value.

Because they bring minimal risk of damage, motorcycles carry lower property-damage premiums than cars, trucks, and other larger vehicles. However, they have higher liability or personal injury premiums because motorcycle riders are more prone to physical risks. These risks accompanying the purchase of automobiles are classified based upon the statistical analysis of reported theft, accidents, and mechanical aberrations on every given year.

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Experts at Freeway Insurance help automobile owners choose the best insurance plans that fit their needs at a price they can afford. For inquiries, visit